Understanding Currying in Functional Programming

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Understanding Currying in Javascript Functional Programming

Hello, JavaScript enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into a fundamental concept of functional programming: currying. This technique, often underappreciated, is akin to acquiring a new gadget that you can’t live without once you’ve started using it. Think of it like the transformation from landlines to smartphones. In the realm of programming, especially for those of us inclined towards JavaScript and functional paradigms, currying is such a transformation.

What is Currying?

Currying is a process in functional programming where a function, instead of taking multiple arguments at once, takes the first one and returns a new function that takes the second one, and so on. This chain continues until all arguments are handled.

Imagine a simple addition function add(x, y) which takes two arguments. When curried, this function transforms into add(x)(y), where add(x) returns a function that takes y as an argument.

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A Practical Example

Let’s consider a practical scenario. Suppose we have:

const add = x => y => x + y 
const increment = add(1) 
const addTen = add(10)

Here, increment and addTen are both functions derived from add but are pre-loaded with an argument. increment(2) will give us 3, and addTen(2) will give us 12. These functions remember their first argument due to JavaScript's closure feature.

Why Currying?

Why adopt this approach? Currying’s charm lies in its ability to spawn specialized functions from more generic ones. It’s like owning a multi-tool in your codebase, each feature uniquely tailored for specific tasks.

Currying fosters code reusability and functional composition, crafting functions that are succinct, clear, and maintainable, and reducing redundant code.

Let’s explore another example a little bit more complex:

const curry = (fn) => (arg1) => (arg2) => fn(arg1, arg2); 
const join = curry((separator, array) => array.join(separator));  
const toUpperCase = (str) => str.toUpperCase(); 
const joinWords = join(" ");  
const loudWords = joinWords(["hello", "world"].map(toUpperCase));  
// Returns: "HELLO WORLD"

In this example, join is a curried function that first takes a separator and then an array. It returns a string with the array elements joined by the separator. The toUpperCase function is applied to each element of the array before joining, demonstrating how curried functions can be used for more complex operations.

Advantages in JavaScript

In JavaScript, currying transforms the way we handle functions and data. It aligns with the principles of functional programming, promoting immutability and side-effect-free functions.

  1. Code Clarity: Curried functions are often more readable and explicit.
  2. Modularity: You can create small, reusable, and composable functions.
  3. Lazy Evaluation: Currying enables partial function application, allowing for deferred execution.


Currying is more than just a programming trick, it’s a fundamental shift in how we approach functions and arguments. It’s a powerful tool in your functional programming toolkit, making your code more expressive, modular, and maintainable.

It’s important to recognize that the essence of currying extends beyond JavaScript. It’s a universal principle in programming, applicable across various languages. I only used JavaScript because I’m really used to it, but I encourage you to use this concept every time you can.

Feel free to reach out if you have questions or want to discuss more about JavaScript and functional programming!

Keep exploring and happy coding! 🚀👨‍💻